Port St Louis 2

GPS Position: North  43.38655575  East  04.820551872

Couldn’t help but spot this place as it was very obvious from the Aire on the opposite side of the canal. Take the road around the marina edge and follow it until you arrive on the side of the canal. MH’s parked all along the edge. Over 30 there during our visit yet only 4 in the Aire. Maybe it is because the town are deciding to charge for using the Aire. We checked with the Tourist Info and they said there was no restrictions on parking but added that there may be problems during July and August
Attractions Nearby: 

Cost per 24hrs:

This is a much better location than the official Aire across the canal, much better surroundings, better surface and free all year round. Marginally closer to town and as the service point is now closed it hardly matters which site you choose.


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