
Having travelled throughout Europe using mainly Aires/Stellplatz or Sostas we thought it time to reflect on changes that have occured since we fist started and with the benefit of a five year gap (part Covid part return to caravan)

One of our “boasts” a few years ago was that we could travel throughout Europe and not pay a single € in site fees.  True in those days we were pretty much self sufficient and with a 300 ltr fresh water and grey tank capacity we didn’t need to visit services that often.  Post Covid our last trip showed up a major change in Aires in France.  First of all it seems that many local authorities have handed over the administration of Aires to private enterprises.  These companies have started to charge significantly and while disappointing it is not all bad news.  These companies have improved the facilities including the installation of EHU, proper service points, security barriers and fences.  This means that many of the Aires listed here are out of date but still serve as our memories.  Some Aires have disappeared, others have sprung up but many of the ones that remain have better facilities than they had when we last visited.


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